

720049, Kyrgyzstan.

Bishkek-49, Research Station RAS.

Phone: +996 (312) 613-140

Fax: +996 (312) 611-459


Рыбин Анатолий Кузьмич

Anatoly Kuzmich Rybin

Doctor of Science

in Physics and Mathematics

e-mail: rybin@gdirc.ru

Excursion to Issyk-Ata gorge and regime station "Issyk-Ata"

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  The excursion to one of the most beautiful places in the Kyrgyz Mountain Range, the Issyk-Ata Gorge, provided for by the Symposium program, took place on June 29, 2024.

  The trip began at Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city.


Acquaintance with the general geological and tectonic situation in the area where the RS RAS is located

  Along the route to the destination, stops were made at sections interesting from the point of view of geology and tectonics.


Inspection of an yeld of significantly crushed Paleozoic granites in the zone of influence of the Shamsinsky reverse fault.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 16 July 2024 14:18



Solution of the IX International Symposium

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The Ninth International Symposium on the problems of modern geodynamics and geoecology (June 24–29, 2024, Bishkek city, Kyrgyz Republic) (hereinafter referred to as Symposium), dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the 45th anniversary of the Research Station of RAS (was celebrated in 2023). Symposium has become a representative international scientific event held on the basis of the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city (RS RAS) and the International Research Center - Geodynamic Proving Ground in Bishkek (IRC-GPG).

The Symposium was held in a hybrid format: 112 reports (53 in-person and 59 online) and 18 posters were presented at plenary and sectional sessions. 167 scientists and specialists from seven countries (Russian Federation, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Belarus) took part in the Symposium.

Solution of the IX International Symposium.pdf



Last Updated on Tuesday, 16 July 2024 13:36


XVI International Conference of Young Scientists and Students «Modern Equipment and Technologies in Scientific Research» - 2024

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  Since 2009, every year, the International Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Modern Equipment and Technologies in Scientific Research” has been held by the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city. The Sixteenth “Molodezhka” took place in 2024: the event was held from April 24 to April 26, 2024, in a hybrid format and brought together about 80 participants from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Russia. The event was dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


  The main goals pursued by the organizers of the event are to increase the level of scientific research and expand the scientific horizons of young scientists and students, integrate science and education, develop the creative activity of scientific youth, as well as popularize scientific research conducted at the Research Station of RAS.

Last Updated on Friday, 03 May 2024 14:39



IX International Symposium

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First circular letter

Registration form

Thesis template

Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 April 2024 14:10


Results of publication activity of staff of the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences for 2023

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 05 March 2024 10:06



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From 24 to 26 of April 2024, on the basis of Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city (RS RAS) the XVI International Youth Conference “MODERN TECNIQUE AND TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH” will take place. Detailed information on this event will be taken on website http://mmk.gdirc.kg/.



Section "Integrated geological and geophysical studies of seismically active regions" includes reports on methods and new software systems used to monitor the geoenvironment and ionosphere, and on the results of their application, as well as reports on various kinds of geoinformation systems.

Section "Natural and technogenic hazards" includes reports on the prevalence and features of manifestations of seismotectonic processes, landslides and mudflows in Central Asia. The same section also presents reports on man-made hazards associated with the operation of reservoirs and mining in seismically hazardous areas

Section "Interdisciplinary reports" is divided into two subsections:

"Mechanics" - includes reports on solving complex and dynamic problems in various areas of modern mechanics

"Interdisciplinary reports" - includes reports on the formulation and solution of problems of mathematical modeling of physical, economic and other processes, as well as on modern methods and technologies used in the processing of various kinds of data.

GYBRID FORMAT: oral (online) and poster (offline) reports

Russian and English


- raising the level of scientific research and expanding the scientific horizons of young scientists, specialists, graduate students, undergraduates and students;

- integration of science and education;

- development of creative activity of young researchers;

- popularization of scientific research conducted at the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

PUBLICATION OF THE BOOK OF MATERIALS is expected in autumn 2024. The collection of materials of the Conference is registered with the Book Chamber of the Kyrgyz Republic, and is also indexed in the information and analytical system of the RSCI (https://elibrary.ru/).

First circular

Requirements for the design of materials

Feedback from the Scientific Advisor


!!! Students, graduate students and young scientists under the age of 39 are invited to participate in the Conference.

!!! Participation in the Conference is free.

All the best,
Olga Borisovna Zabinyakova
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
+996 (312) 61-31-40

Last Updated on Thursday, 29 February 2024 09:58


Reception of Rossotrudnichestvo in honor of the 300th Anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Russian House in Bishkek

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  On the Day of Russian Science, the Russian House in Bishkek hosted a meeting of representatives of Rossotrudnichestvo, the Supreme Council of Young Scientists of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan and the staff of the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek.

  Albert Zulkharneev, Head of the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Kyrgyz Republic, made a welcoming speech. In his speech, he congratulated those present on the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and showed a historical video about the establishment of the first department in the building of the Kunstkamera in St. Petersburg. Then A. Zulkharneev reminded that one of the main directions of Rossotrudnichestvo activiry is to support Kyrgyz citizens in enrollment in Russian universities on a grant basis. He noted that quota-based education is free, students are given a scholarship and are provided with a hostel at an affordable price. This training also applies to postgraduate programs. Read more at https://studyinrussia.ru/

  Then the floor was given to the projects of the Supreme Council of Young Scientists of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Kyrgyz Republic. Among the representatives the Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of Kyrgyzstan Zhailoo Mamytbekov spoke first, and then a young scientist Altynbek Akzholov, who in 2015 graduated from Tyumen Industrial University and then took a refresher course in the innovation center "Skolkovo". In the nearest plans of the promising scientist is a development of practical skills in the Scientific and Technological Center "Technopark" at KSTU named after I. Razzakov https://kstu.kg/technopark.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 14 February 2024 10:50



IX International Symposium_First circular

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FIRST CIRCULAR LETTER RS RAS Symposium-2024 Страница 1

FIRST CIRCULAR LETTER RS RAS Symposium-2024 Страница 2

First circular

Last Updated on Friday, 09 February 2024 10:02


Page 1 of 24


Geographic location

40 km. from Bishkek