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At the end of 70's the problem of the development and experimental testing of a method of prediction strong earthquakes using MHDgenerator was set before the Institute for High Temperatures of the Soviet Union Academy of Sciences (RS RAS). Solving this task, RS RAS has begun organization of Experimental Prognostic Polygons in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan . The research results of the Institute of the Earth Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences at the Garm test-area in Tadjikistan became the basis for creation of Experimental Prognostic Polygons using MHD-generators. The correlation between changes of rock electrical resistance and local seismicity was found out here for the first time.

Yuri Andreevich Trapeznikov was the first organizer and major inspirer of all works concerning creation of the Prognostic Polygons in Frunze ( Kyrgyzstan ) and Andijan ( Uzbekistan ).

During those years the used methods of monitoring, as a rule, gave the information about processes occurring in the crust at small depths, that is why the capacities of these methods were limited. For a long time, seismological researches were a basic source of information about the spatio-temporal features of deformation processes at large depths. The potential capacities of electromagnetic monitoring methods were limited by the lack of powerful sources of electromagnetic fields. These problems were solved when magneto-hydrodynamic generators and other powerful sources (electric pulse systems) were created. The first attempts of using MHD-generators for the crust monitoring were undertaken in 1976-1983 at the Garm test-area of the Institute of the Earth Physics , USSR Academy of Sciences ( Tadjikistan). MHD-generator of "Pamir-1" type was used for experiments. The received results showed the perspectives of such generator using for the deep monitoring of seismic active areas.

In 1978 the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences took a decision about the organization of the Research Station of the Institute for High Temperatures, USSR Academy of Science in Frunze ( Kyrgyzstan ) for realization of experimental and methodical works on development of techniques for the earthquake prediction problem using MHD-generators.

The Research Station RAS was given a mission to realize the following tasks:

  • elaboration of the acquisition systems for automatic registration of a component of the electromagnetic field and telemetric data transfer to the information centers;
  • development of the processing algorithms for the registered signals;
  • improvement of the methodical principles of the deep electromagnetic sounding with the help of MHD-generators;
  • determination of correlatives between the variations of electro-physical parameters of the deep crust layers and the seismological observation data;

In February, 1982 according to the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Experimental Methodical Electromagnetic Expedition of the Institute for High Temperatures (EMEE RS RAS) was organized as an independent department in the structure of the Scientific Association RS RAS.

The task of realization of multidisciplinary geologic and geophysical experiments in a context of prediction research area and its support with modern methods of measurement and processing of observation was assigned to the EMEE RS RAS.

Yuri Andreevich Trapeznikov became the Director of the formed Geophysical Polygon. To our regret, he untimely deceased in 1999.

During the process of fulfillment of these tasks the new obtained knowledge about character and behavior of seismic process pointed to the necessity of transition from analysis of formal earthquake statistics and phenomenological observations to study of the deep environmental heterogeneities of seismic active region and construction of the reliable geodynamic models for various spatio-temporal scales. The certainty in rationality of such approach of solving seismic prediction problem has been dictated by the results of long-term researches carried out by the Research Station and Experimental Methodical Expedition in the Tien Shan mountains.

The accumulation of experimental materials and the first received results of their interpretation have set a task for intensification of scientific components of researches, connected, first of all, with an integrated interpretation of continuously renewed geological and geophysical data base describing development of geodynamic process in the Tien Shan region. It required certain reorganization in the structure of the Experimental Methodical Electromagnetic Expedition and Research Station. In result, the combined structure on behalf of the Research Station was organized where the laboratories are basic scientific research departments.

The confirmation of the necessity to realize multi-scaled observations was obtained in result of detailed research of the deep structure of Bishkek test-area territory by electromagnetic sounding with man-made power source, which has revealed several unknown structural elements playing an essential role in formation and living of seismogenic objects in the Earth's crust. First of all, it relates to the crust conductive horizons and also to some features of their structure affecting seismic process. Naturally, there came a question of universality of such tectonic scheme for other seismogenic zones of the Tien Shan . Thus, a vector of orientation geophysical complex researches changed into the plane of modern geodynamic study of the region.

One of significant events of 90's is creation of the International Research Center-Geodynamic Proving Ground in Bishkek (IRC-GPG) on the base of the Research Station RAS and other scientific organizations of Russia and Kyrgyzstan . ( IRC-GPG).

This center is organized with accordance to the Agreement between Russian and Kyrgyz Governments that was signed in 1997. The main objective of the IRC-GPG activity is the integration of efforts and resources of organizations and scientists from different countries for realization joint geological and geophysical researches of the Tien Shan and adjacent territories. At present, the IRC-GPG Program "Geodynamic, Geological and Environmental Problems of the High Mountain Tien Shan" is formed and being realized. About 30 organizations and research groups from different countries of the world take part in Program realization.

First of all, the IRC-GPG utilizes the Research Station RAS facilities as the research and operative basis. Also the scientific and technical infrastructures of other organizations and institutes of the Central Asia are used.

Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies of the Russian federation , Institute for High Temperatures of Russian Academy of Science, Agency of Science and Intellectual Property of Kyrgyz Republic, U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation for the states of former Soviet Union rendered a great assistance in creation of the IRC-GPG.



Geographic location

40 km. from Bishkek