1. | System of Seismological Observations on the base of Digital Broadband Telemeter Seismic Stations Network (KNET |
The system consists of 10 automatic telemeter stations, 2 radio repeaters, and 3 centers of seismological information collection and processing. The Streckeisen STS-2 sensors and REF TEK72-6 recorders are used for measurements. They record seismic signal in a large dynamic range (140 dB) and in a broad band of frequencies (0.008 – 50 Hz). Modern telemeter equipment and data processing procedures ensure collection of data from the network and collection of results of their express processing almost in real time. Digital data from KNET are passed to partner organizations using INTERNET channels (University of California in San Diego, IRIS Consortium, Institute of Seismology of Kyrgyzstan, Institute of Geophysical Research of National Nuclear Center of Kazakhstan), Geophysical Service RAS, Earthquake Administration of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, International Center of Seismological Data in London and Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. |
2. | Central Asian GPS Network |
3. | System of Geomagnetic Observations |
The system consists of 7 stationary observation sites and 17 sites serviced by a mobile station and equipped with modular magnetovariational proton stations of МВ-07 type. Sensitivity of these stations is 0.01 nT with mean-square error of 0.02 nT. Observations are carried out with discreteness of 20 seconds at the stationary sites and with discreteness of 1 time in 3 days at the sites served by the mobile station. |
4. | System of Electromagnetic Monitoring of Changes in Stressed and Deformed State of the Earth’s Crust |
The method of far-field transient EM sounding is now used for electromagnetic observations. The measurement rate for 6 stationary sites is 5 times a day and for 17 attended sites it is 2-3 days. The role of a generating plant for deep soundings is played by the ЭРГУ-600-2 electropulse system. The system is powered by the industrial transmission facilities (400 V) and provides alternating current of fixed form in the generator’s circuit from 50 to 1200 A depending on the task to be solved. For normal soundings we use the sequence of heteropolar A-quad-B pulses with an amplitude of 600 A and a period of 10 seconds which makes it possible to receive information about geodynamic processes in the Earth’s crust up to depths of 30 km in conditions of the proving ground. Electromagnetic stations of ИК-1 type with a large dynamic range (140 dB) are used as receiving stations. |
5. | System of Profile Magnetotelluric and Deep Magnetotelluric Soundings |
More than 850 soundings were carried out along 6 regional submeridional profiles cutting the Tien Shan orogen and a series of detailed profiles. Some profiles of deep magnetotelluric and magnetovariational observations were realized using LIMS low-frequency equipment (Canada). Today profile soundings are carried out using three Phoenix-MTU5 stations (Canada), and the LEMI- 417М stations (Ukraine) are used for the deep soundings. In special cases the Phoenix V8 and Phoenix AMT stations are used. The two Phoenix-MTU5 stations are used for magnetotelluric monitoring at two stationary sites since 2003. |