
20th Anniversary of the CAIAG

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  On October 8-9, 2024, the Anniversary Conference with international participation dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Central Asian Institute of Applied Geosciences (CAIAG) on the topic "Past achievements and future challenges of applied geosciences in Central Asia" was held. The conference was held at the International University of Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek).

  The staff of the RAS took an active part throughout the entire duration of the conference in the section "Dangerous Natural Processes and Phenomena in Central Asia".


  Leading researcher of LKI S.A. Imashev made a report "Neural Network Approach to the Problem of Anomaly Detection in Geomagnetic Field Variations"; junior researcher of LKI E.A. Lazareva – "Analysis of geomagnetic field variations during earthquakes based on INTERMAGNET network data"; junior researcher of LGPS Yu.M. Salamatina presented in English "Research of co-seismic movements of GNSS stations during the Uchturfan earthquake 22.01.2024 M=7.0"; leading researcher of LGPS Kuzikov S.I. – "Anomalous variations in Total Electron Content in the ionosphere and geodynamic conditions for the Uchturpan earthquake M7 of 22/01/2024".

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  The conference ended with a festive reception on the territory of CAIAG, where in a friendly informal atmosphere the anniversary celebrants were congratulated and the prospects for future joint research in the field of earth sciences were discussed.

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Geographic location

40 km. from Bishkek