Major research themes of IRC-GPG in 2017 included:
- Geodynamics of latest intracontinental mountain building;
- Stressed and deformed state and deep structure of Tien Shan;
- Seismotectonic, geoenvironmental and engineering-geological aspects of latest tectonics and modern geodynamics of Tien Shan.
The important role in IRC-GPG scientific program themes is played by regular international symposiums and annual conferences of young scientists.
The VII International Symposium “Problems of Geodynamics and Geoecology of Intracontinental Orogens” dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of Yury A.Trapeznikov, the founder and the first director of Research Station RAS in Bishkek, took place on June 19-24, 2017. This Symposium became a representative international scientific event held by Research Station RAS in Bishkek (RS RAS) and International Research Center – Geodynamic Proving Ground in Bishkek (IRC-GPG). It was attended by 154 scientists and experts from 7 countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, India, France and Japan). 83 oral and 39 poster papers were presented on plenary and section sessions. The symposium was attended by 1 academician and 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2 academicians and 2 corresponding members of the Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences, 32 doctors of sciences, 34 candidates of sciences and 31 young scientists, postgraduates, researchers and experts. The following research institutes of Kyrgyz Republic took part in the Symposium:
- Institute of Seismology NAS KR
- Institute of Geomechanics and Mineral Exploitation NAS KR
- Institute of Geology NAS KR
- Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
- Interindustry Scientific Research Center of High-Mountain Dams Monitoring “Plotina” under Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
- K.I.Skryabin Kyrgyz National Agrarian University
- Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences
- Public Enterprise “North Kyrgyz Geological Expedition”
Some photos of the Symposium:
Presentations of Symposium participants:
IRC-GPG continues publishing books of conference papers, monographs, and papers in the leading journals of Russia and other countries.
The Book of Abstracts of the VII International Symposium “Problems of Geodynamics and Geoecology of Intracontinental Orogens” was published: Problems of Geodynamics and Geoecology of Intracontinental Orogens: Book of Abstracts of the VII International Symposium, Bishkek, June 19-24, 2017: RS RAS, 2017. – 453 p., ISBN 978-9967-12-656-5. The Book presents annotations and extended abstracts of the VII International Symposium “Problems of Geodynamics and Geoecology of Intracontinental Orogens”. Scientists from Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, India, China, Japan, Greece and France presented papers covering the main research areas of recent geodynamics and geoecology, geophysical and seismic monitoring, assessment of exogenous processes hazards in seismic regions. Abstracts are published in author’s edition.
The materials of the XI International Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Modern Technique and Technologies in Scientific Research”, March 2017, were published in the book: Modern Technique and Technologies in Scientific Research: Book of Materials of the XI International Conference of Young Scientists and Students. – Bishkek: RS RAS, 2017. – 426 p. ISBN 978-9967-12-643-5. The XI International Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Modern Technique and Technologies in Scientific Research” was held by the Research Station RAS and International Research Center – Geodynamic Proving Ground in Bishkek. The Book presents the works of young scientists and students from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Russia, Ukraine and other countries covering research areas in geoenvironment monitoring, physics and mechanics of rocks, assessment of seismic and geological hazards, mathematical modeling of different processes and other research areas. The Book is useful for students, postgraduates and specialists in Earth’s sciences, mechanics and mathematics.
The Book of Materials of the VII International Symposium “Problems of Geodynamics and Geoecology of Intracontinental Orogens” is getting ready for publishing.
In 2017, the following tripartite international agreements were signed:
- Memorandum about Scientific and Technical Collaboration between RS RAS, IRC-GPG and American University in Central Asia (AUCA) on 01.06.2017;
- Agreement about Scientific and Technical Collaboration between Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), IRC-GPG and RS RAS on 06.09.2017.
In 2017, the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Kyrgyz Republic in IRC-GPG was assigned. According to the Letter № 01-10/6003 17.10.2017, the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Kyrgyz Republic in IRC-GPG (according to the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic from 18.02.2015г. №60-р (edited on 29.02.2012 г. 62-р) is Abdimannap A. Muratov, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and the director of Science Department.
At present, due to removal of Alexander A. Klimov from the position of Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a new Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Russian Federation in IRC-GPG has not been assigned yet.
Last Updated on Friday, 26 January 2018 11:38