Areas of Research

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Study of modern movements of the Earth's crust by methods of space geodesy is one of the major research areas of the RS RAS in geodynamic studies of the Earth. This research area develops constantly. Originally, the Central Asian GPS network was developing mainly by covering new territories.  Intracontinental space between Eurasia and India is a large folded zone whose creation is related to collision process. That is why the modern distribution of mobility of the Earth’s crust on a huge territory of Central Asia is of great scientific and practical interest. On the one hand, this region is a single orogenic belt. On the other hand, it is a complex of geographically isolated mountain systems and depressions. Today, owing to GPS technology and existing network, we received qualitative estimate and general trends of the modern movements at Kazakh Shield, Kyrgyz Tien Shan and northern parts of Pamir and Tarim.  At the same time we revealed a complicated mosaic picture of distribution of deformation rate at observed territory and specified the increased value zones. Understanding of processes occurring in the system as a whole, in its individual elements and their interaction with each other is an important task of Central Asia geodynamics. That is why along with territorial expansion there is a task to particularize the GPS network in the zones of increased rate of movement of the Earth’s crust.

Since the time interval of measuring a large number of GPS sites in Central Asia is 7-15 years, there exists a natural task to study time variations in parameters of site movements.  The results of working in this direction lead to another related task – assessment of true accuracy of movement parameters during GPS measurements. Solving the last task will make it possible to optimize the process of measuring and averaging GPS data, separating geodynamic component of movement from errors, seasonal and century variations. Determination of the real accuracy of movement parameters received during GPS measurements is complicated by simultaneous double-checks of results by other methods of measurement.  In this respect we conduct GPS monitoring of the most stable baselines (up to 1 km) with regular double-checks of results of length measurements by laser. Experimental data show that at local geodynamic plots with baselines up to 2 km, linear-angular land measurements provide more accurate, cheaper and operative results as compared with GPS method. Hence, the next task is to develop techniques and increase accuracy of measurements by means of land geodesy for geodynamic studies.

Geodesic measurements at local plots (with relatively short baselines) and study of weakly deformable areas require more and more accurate determination of movement parameters. That is why the important task of the laboratory is a constant improvement of methods of measuring, processing and analysis. To correctly interpret the results of geodesic measurements and to understand the processes reflected in them we need to use other different geological and geophysical information and their joint analysis.