
News of the Group of Magnetotelluric Studies (GMTS)

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October-November 2017

In the course of magnetotelluric observations conducted at “Kentor” profiles since 2012, the GMT group conducted MT soundings (MTS) at 33 sites of “Centralnyi” (С1 - С11) and “Vostochnyi” (Е1 - Е22) profiles from October 17 – November 3, 2017.

The MTS test record to monitor the noise level was conducted at C8 site. Works were preceded by calibration of recorders and sensors. For estimation of noise level and parameter settings, test recording was conducted at all observation sites. Magnetic field components were measured using МТС-50 induction sensors. Electric components of MT-field were measured by measuring equipment with 50-meter electric dipoles. The dipoles were earthed using nonpolarizable electrodes by the “electrode to electrode” principle with previous observations at all sounding sites. Orientations of measuring equipment completely reproduced the previous deployments. Duration of MT-field registration at each observation site was 15-16 hours. Works were complicated by adverse weather conditions.02

General chart of “Kentor” work site.

“Vostochnei” profile is highlighted in red, “Centralnyi” is highlighted in yellow.



Geographic location

40 km. from Bishkek